Sunday 23 February 2014

Questionnaire Feedback

This is my question that I constructed after the production of my media products. The question will help me to see if my magazine was successful with my target audience and also in meeting the codes and conventions if a rock magazine. To gain feedback for my magazine I posted 10 copies of my question to people in the common room for them to answer. I then retrieved the information and made constructed graphs to demonstrate the feedback.

Questionnaire Feedback Analysis front cover

More PowerPoint presentations from nina

Questionnaire Feedback contents page

More PowerPoint presentations from nina

Questionnaire Feedback dps

More PowerPoint presentations from nina

Double Page Spread

In this lesson I took all screen shots from my DPS and added them into a powerpoint where I was able to write about how I made my DPS

Contents Page and Screen shots

In this lesson I took all the screen shots from my contents page and put them in a powerpoint were I explained how I produced my Contents Page

Front Cover magazine and Screen shots

In this lesson I added all my screen shots and made a powerpoint on how I conducted my Front Cover.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Rough Layout of Contents Page

In this lesson I used the codes and conventions that I constructed to help me produce this layout of of my contents page. I will use this plan to help me in the productrion of my contents page.

Rough layout of Front Cover

In this lesson, I used my codes and conventions of my rock genre to help me produce a plan for my front cover of my magazine. I will use this layout to throughout the production of my front cover so that I will be able to follow the codes and conventions and stick my genre.

Article for Double Page Spread