Friday 18 October 2013




Whilst creating my Front cover and Contents page for my school magazine, I had to make sure I was following the codes and conventions of a magazine. This included the basics such as a masthead, main image, a main cover line, cover lines, page numbers etc. I had to follow these codes and conventions to guarantee that my magazine looked as professional as possible. My front cover does follow most of the basic codes and conventions for example it does have a colour scheme, even though it is basic (pink, navy, white) and also has a main image and cover lines. My contents page also follows the basic codes and conventions for example it has page numbers and despite being brief it does contain tasters of the articles within the magazine. However my front cover did lack in some areas of the codes and conventions, for example it did not include puffs, a page curl, or smaller images. My contents page also lacked in the codes and conventions as it did not include any information such as contact details of the magazine or an issue number.

I used Photoshop to help me create my Front Cover. For this I used the polygon tool to help me crop out my students for my front cover and to get rid of the back ground. I cropped in stages which helped me crop my picture my accurately. Then I imported a background image behind my image to make my main image fit with my colour scheme. To then make my image look like a front cover I had to alter the layout to portrait and do some extra cropping to help it look more effective. For my Contents Page I used Quark. I thought that this software was quite hard to use as it was new to me. However once I got to grips with the software I thought that it was good for making my contents page layout. I used text boxes to write out information such as page number, and taster of the articles. I used a square box to help me import my images onto my contents page.                                                                                                                                                          I think that my Front Cover was good because it containing the basic codes and conventions such as a masthead, a main image and a main cover line. I also think my image followed the criteria set as my image was a medium shot of students. My front cover also had relatable articles and images for my theme, such as the main cover line of ‘Best Results Ever’. However my Front cover did lack in some places for example I think that my image could of been better cropped out and could of been more exciting and eye-catching.

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