Tuesday 17 December 2013

My Interview for double page spread

Interview for double page spread
1.     How old where you when you started to get into music?

I’ve always been into music since I was a child! My family is very music orientated as all my brothers also play instruments and are in bands like me. I guess that it was my dad who encouraged us with music as we would always have the radio on in the house whenever my dad was home. Rock has always been my favourite music! Since I was a kid people like bon jovi and aerosmith has always inspired me.

2.      What was it like being so young yet touring a country on your own?

Yes and no really, the band I toured with was only new and we had only been together for about 2 years! When we got the chance to go on a tour around Germany we couldn’t really resist! It was scary at first as I was only 17 but I enjoyed it a lot as it was my first taste of a proper music career.

3.      What made you join a tribute band?

Well I grew up in the era of rock so it was basically my childhood. So as soon as I got the chance off my friend to join this band which was already quiet well known, I couldn’t really say no!

4.      Did you feel under pressure to be exactly how 70's rock was?

Yes!  My age are very into the rock so all the songs we performed are well known, so to make sure that we perform the songs accurately to make sure the audience was enjoying the songs and also the atmosphere.

5.      Is there anything in music careers that you regret?

To be quite honest I don’t! I’ve took all the chances I’ve had! I think that if I regretted anything then I wouldn’t of enjoyed my careers as much.

6.     What has been your favourite part of your career?

Defiantly touring Germany as a young boy!

7.     Who is your favourite rock artist now?

Bon jovi! Like I said at the start of the interview artists like him have inspired me throughout my lifetime. 

Article Research

For my double page spread in my magazine I am interviewing Jed, a solo artist from the Wirral. Jed has done a lot of things in his music career from touring Germany when he was 18 to joining a 70's rock tribute band called KooKaChoo!

Contact: It was easy for me to contact Jed as I already know him. To arranged to meet up to conduct the interview and to take pictures I just contacted him via text to arrange a date which suited us both.

Interview Quesions:
1.How old where you when you started to get into music?
2. What was it like being so young yet touring a country on your own?
3. What made you join a tribute band?
4. Did you feel under pressure to be exactly how 70's rock was?
5. Is there anything in music careers that you regret?
6. What has been your favorite part of your career?
7. Who is your favorite rock artist now?


Monday 9 December 2013

Planning Production

In this lesson I made the decisions for cover lines for my double page spread and also what coverlines would be in m contents page. I had to change the subline on each coverline for the front cover and the contents page so this took awhile as I needed to think how I could make it different yet still explain the same thing.


Monday 2 December 2013

Publication Plan

Publication Plan
Title: BackBeat
Positioning Statement:  Rockin’ the Beat
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £2.50
Distribution:  Newsagents, supermarkets, airports and online subscriptions
Rationale:  The magazine is from the perspective of the fans and will contain interviews that will ask the artist/band questions that we think fans would ask. The magazine has monthly updates on the latest information in rock.
Style:  Informal/chatty to attract buyers. I will use contractions such as ‘don’t ‘instead of ‘do not’. My magazine will contain stereotypical colours of rock, e.g black, white and red, and also bold fonts. The magazine gives the reader the most up to date rock information every month.
Regular Content
·         Upcoming artists
·         Behind the scene
·         Concert dates
·         Latest Gossip
·         Rock Fashion
·         Free posters
·         Editors letter
·         Letters from fans
·         Puzzles
·         A monthly column
Featured Content
·         Article about the artist Jed
·         Newest guitars from Gibson
·         Poster of Avenge Seven Fold
·         Paramore’s make over
·         New albums released in 2014
·         The day I met Marilyn Manson
·         Aerosmith
House Style
Coverlines:  Bell Gothic Std Black
Standfirst: Arial black
Captions: Calibri (body) italic
Features first paragraph: Bell Gothic Std Black
Body text:  Calibri

Colour scheme: Red, Black and White.

In this lesson I produced this Planning Production. This will help me with the planning of my magazine as I chose coverlines that will be placed on my Front cover on my magazine, and also the coverlines which will be in my contents page. I then chose what font I will have for each part of my magazine e.g for the masthead and the font for the double page spread.