Tuesday 17 December 2013

Article Research

For my double page spread in my magazine I am interviewing Jed, a solo artist from the Wirral. Jed has done a lot of things in his music career from touring Germany when he was 18 to joining a 70's rock tribute band called KooKaChoo!

Contact: It was easy for me to contact Jed as I already know him. To arranged to meet up to conduct the interview and to take pictures I just contacted him via text to arrange a date which suited us both.

Interview Quesions:
1.How old where you when you started to get into music?
2. What was it like being so young yet touring a country on your own?
3. What made you join a tribute band?
4. Did you feel under pressure to be exactly how 70's rock was?
5. Is there anything in music careers that you regret?
6. What has been your favorite part of your career?
7. Who is your favorite rock artist now?


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