Friday 29 November 2013

Review of Inital ideas for magazine.

The price of my magazine will be £2.50 as during my research of other magazines the price varied between £2 and £7. I chose this amount as I thought that it would be a reasonable price to charge my customers as I did not want to over or under charge them. From my questionnaire I am still going to keep the price of my magazine the same as from my questionnaire most people were willing to pay £2-£3.
This price is a reasonable price as my magazine will only be published once a month but each issue is an average size issue containing around 60 pages so each issue has a lot of content and information for the target audience to read.  I have chosen to make my magazine like this as most of the magazines that I had researched had average sized, detailed issues but the issues where released monthly so the reader can receive frequent up to date information. After my questionnaire I am going to change this and issue my magazine monthly and just shorten the length of the magazine to around 40 pages. I’m doing this as from my questionnaire most people buy a magazine monthly.
The regular content of my magazine will include gig/concert dates as from my research all of the rock genre magazines I looked at contained some sort of information on artists tour dates. Also in my regular content will be a page on upcoming artists, and a behind the scenes on a music video. I think that these featured articles will keep my audience interested and wanting to read the next issue. I adapted some of these ideas from the magazines I researched as they contained frequent information such as this too help keep the readers interested, it also helps to advertise the new artists to help them move to mainstream. After collecting information from my questionnaire the regular content in my magazine is going to be behind the scenes on a music video, a monthly interview and also all the latest rock gossip and even a free poster.

 Each issue will contain a different featured article; this issue will contain an interview with an artist. From my questionnaire the feature articles in my magazine will be an interview with the artist Jed, new guitars from Gibson, new albums released in 2014. 

Thursday 28 November 2013

Questionnaire Feedback

Questionnaire Conclusion In question one I asked what genre the person answering the questionnaire was. This allowed me to review all of my questions and see on average what gender preferred what. In my questionnaire 12 females took the questionnaire and only 8 males. This shows that females are more willing to feedback their ideas about music magazines and that the rock genre is more towards females rather than males. Then in question 2 I asked the age of the person doing the questionnaire. Again this was to help me see which age group prefer what; however I aimed to give my questionnaires out to my target audience of 15-19. From the feedback from my magazine I can see that 19 out 20 people where in my preferred target audience of 15-19 years of age yet only 1 person was over the age of 30. This helps me when looking at the results of my questionnaire as I can see exactly what my target audience want in a rock music magazine. Question 3 was all about colour schemes. I asked what colours do you associate with rock genre and gave 3 possible answers; red white and black, pink and yellow or navy and white. By having 3 choices this helped me to eliminate the answers which had the least amount of ticks. From my questionnaire most people associate red, black and white with the rock genre so this shows me that I need to include colours like this to attract my target audience to my magazine. Question 4 asked how much would you pay for the magazine. This is a very important magazine as if I make the magazine too expensive for my target audience my magazine will lose popularity so therefore my magazine will have to between £2 and £3 as this is the most popular choice by my target audience. In question 5 I asked how often do you buy a music magazine and a choice of 3 answers to pick from which were; monthly, every 2 months or seasonally. This question was designed to help me see how often I should publish my magazine. Most of the people who took my questionnaire said that they buy a music magazine every month. Question 6 required a choice of 3 out of 6 possible choices. This question was designed to help me see what my target audience would like for the regular content in my magazine. The most popular choice was tour dates, followed by exclusive interviews and then behind the scenes. By asking this question it allows my magazine to appeal to exactly what my target audience want. In question 7 I asked about what prizes they would prefer for competitions within in magazine. The choices were gig/concert dates which came as the most popular, electrical goods or signed items. By having the prizes that people would want they will be more willing to buy the magazine and enter the competitions. Question 8 asked if they would like free posters in the magazine and 18 out of 20 people said yes. The last question was what words they associate with the rock genre with 13 people saying loud, 1 saying fun, 3 saying lively and another 3 saying other. These words will help me construct my front cover as I can use the vocabulary to attract my audience.

Question analysis powerpoint

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Questionnaire Conclusion
In question one I asked what genre the person answering the questionnaire was. This allowed me to review all of my questions and see on average what gender preferred what. In my questionnaire 12 females took the questionnaire and only 8 males. This shows that females are more willing to feedback their ideas about music magazines and that the rock genre is more towards females rather than males.
Then in question 2 I asked the age of the person doing the questionnaire. Again this was to help me see which age group prefer what; however I aimed to give my questionnaires out to my target audience of 15-19. From the feedback from my magazine I can see that 19 out 20 people where in my preferred target audience of 15-19 years of age yet only 1 person was over the age of 30. This helps me when looking at the results of my questionnaire as I can see exactly what my target audience want in a rock music magazine.
 Question 3 was all about colour schemes. I asked what colours do you associate with rock genre and gave 3 possible answers; red white and black, pink and yellow or navy and white. By having 3 choices this helped me to eliminate the answers which had the least amount of ticks. From my questionnaire most people associate red, black and white with the rock genre so this shows me that I need to include colours like this to attract my target audience to my magazine.
Question 4 asked how much would you pay for the magazine. This is a very important magazine as if I make the magazine too expensive for my target audience my magazine will lose popularity so therefore my magazine will have to between £2 and £3 as this is the most popular choice by my target audience.
In question 5 I asked how often do you buy a music magazine and a choice of 3 answers to pick from which were; monthly, every 2 months or seasonally. This question was designed to help me see how often I should publish my magazine. Most of the people who took my questionnaire said that they buy a music magazine every month.
Question 6 required a choice of 3 out of 6 possible choices. This question was designed to help me see what my target audience would like for the regular content in my magazine. The most popular choice was tour dates, followed by exclusive interviews and then behind the scenes. By asking this question it allows my magazine to appeal to exactly what my target audience want.
In question 7 I asked about what prizes they would prefer for competitions within in magazine. The choices were gig/concert dates which came as the most popular, electrical goods or signed items. By having the prizes that people would want they will be more willing to buy the magazine and enter the competitions.
Question 8 asked if they would like free posters in the magazine and 18 out of 20 people said yes.

The last question was what words they associate with the rock genre with 13 people saying loud, 1 saying fun, 3 saying lively and another 3 saying other. These words will help me construct my front cover as I can use the vocabulary to attract my audience. 

Monday 25 November 2013


This is my questionnaire that i handed out to 20 people. I constructed this questionnaire to help me whilst making my front cover so i can include things that people like. Each question that I ask was designed to help me with each part of my magazine. For example question 5 asked how often do you buy a music magazine, I asked this question to help me see how often I should publish a new issue.

Monday 18 November 2013

Codes and Conventions of a Double Page Spread

In this lesson I compared the double page spreads that I researched to come up with some similarities. From these similarties I was then able to produce my own set of codes and conventions which I would be able to stick to whilst producing my own double page spread.

Deatiled Analysis of Rock Contents Page

In this lesson I used my codes and conventions to help me analyise the contents paid in a lot of detail.

Detailed Analysis of a Rock Front cover

In this lesson I took my time to analysis this magazine front cover. I used my codes and conventions to help me apply my knowledge of the codes and conventions to analysis the front cover.Detailed Analysis of a Rock Magazine Front Cover
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Monday 11 November 2013

Codes and Conventions of a Rock Magazine Front Cover

In this lesson I looked at 4 magazines of my genre and compared them to find out what was similar between them all. From looking at these similarities I was able to then identify the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The codes and conventions are:
 Masthead- this is the title of the magazine and is located at the top left hand corner of the magazine and appears in every issue. This is the name of the magazine so if often in bold writing to make the magazine eye-catching towards the target audience.
 Main Image- this image is the focus of the whole issue and takes up the whole magazine front over. The main is of a famous artist of that genre.
Main Cover line- this links in with the main image on the front cover. It tells you what the main article of the issue will be and is often in bold colours (not as bold as the masthead) to make it stand out against the page.
Cover lines- the cover lines are located along the left and right and side of the front cover. The cover lines tell you the feature articles of the issues.
Tag line- the slogan of the magazine.
Colour scheme- fits in with the genre of the magazine and is carried trough out the magazine.
Buzz Words- superlatives that attract the reader e.g exclusive, biggest, best etc
Contact Information- this is the date, price, issue number, bar code, web address and email address.

Monday 4 November 2013

Inital Plans for My Magazine

Initial Plans for My Magazine

The price of my magazine will be £2.50 as during my research of other magazines the price varied between £2 and £7. I chose this amount as I thought that it would be a reasonable price to charge my customers as I did not want to over or under charge them. This price is a reasonable price as my magazine will only be published once a month but each issue is an average size issue containing around 60 pages so each issue has a lot of content and information for the target audience to read.  I have chosen to make my magazine like this as most of the magazines that I had researched had average sized, detailed issues but the issues where released monthly so the reader can receive frequent up to that information. The regular content of my magazine will include gig/concert dates as from my research all of the rock genre magazines I looked at contained some sort of information on artists tour dates. Also in my regular content will be a page on upcoming artists, and a behind the scenes on a music video. I think that these featured articles will keep my audience interested and wanting to read the next issue. I adapted some of these ideas from the magazines I researched as they contained frequent information such as this too help keep the readers interested, it also helps to advertise the new artists to help them move to mainstream. Each issue will contain a different featured article; this issue will contain an interview with an artist.