Thursday 28 November 2013

Questionnaire Feedback

Questionnaire Conclusion In question one I asked what genre the person answering the questionnaire was. This allowed me to review all of my questions and see on average what gender preferred what. In my questionnaire 12 females took the questionnaire and only 8 males. This shows that females are more willing to feedback their ideas about music magazines and that the rock genre is more towards females rather than males. Then in question 2 I asked the age of the person doing the questionnaire. Again this was to help me see which age group prefer what; however I aimed to give my questionnaires out to my target audience of 15-19. From the feedback from my magazine I can see that 19 out 20 people where in my preferred target audience of 15-19 years of age yet only 1 person was over the age of 30. This helps me when looking at the results of my questionnaire as I can see exactly what my target audience want in a rock music magazine. Question 3 was all about colour schemes. I asked what colours do you associate with rock genre and gave 3 possible answers; red white and black, pink and yellow or navy and white. By having 3 choices this helped me to eliminate the answers which had the least amount of ticks. From my questionnaire most people associate red, black and white with the rock genre so this shows me that I need to include colours like this to attract my target audience to my magazine. Question 4 asked how much would you pay for the magazine. This is a very important magazine as if I make the magazine too expensive for my target audience my magazine will lose popularity so therefore my magazine will have to between £2 and £3 as this is the most popular choice by my target audience. In question 5 I asked how often do you buy a music magazine and a choice of 3 answers to pick from which were; monthly, every 2 months or seasonally. This question was designed to help me see how often I should publish my magazine. Most of the people who took my questionnaire said that they buy a music magazine every month. Question 6 required a choice of 3 out of 6 possible choices. This question was designed to help me see what my target audience would like for the regular content in my magazine. The most popular choice was tour dates, followed by exclusive interviews and then behind the scenes. By asking this question it allows my magazine to appeal to exactly what my target audience want. In question 7 I asked about what prizes they would prefer for competitions within in magazine. The choices were gig/concert dates which came as the most popular, electrical goods or signed items. By having the prizes that people would want they will be more willing to buy the magazine and enter the competitions. Question 8 asked if they would like free posters in the magazine and 18 out of 20 people said yes. The last question was what words they associate with the rock genre with 13 people saying loud, 1 saying fun, 3 saying lively and another 3 saying other. These words will help me construct my front cover as I can use the vocabulary to attract my audience.

Question analysis powerpoint

More PowerPoint presentations from nina

Questionnaire Conclusion
In question one I asked what genre the person answering the questionnaire was. This allowed me to review all of my questions and see on average what gender preferred what. In my questionnaire 12 females took the questionnaire and only 8 males. This shows that females are more willing to feedback their ideas about music magazines and that the rock genre is more towards females rather than males.
Then in question 2 I asked the age of the person doing the questionnaire. Again this was to help me see which age group prefer what; however I aimed to give my questionnaires out to my target audience of 15-19. From the feedback from my magazine I can see that 19 out 20 people where in my preferred target audience of 15-19 years of age yet only 1 person was over the age of 30. This helps me when looking at the results of my questionnaire as I can see exactly what my target audience want in a rock music magazine.
 Question 3 was all about colour schemes. I asked what colours do you associate with rock genre and gave 3 possible answers; red white and black, pink and yellow or navy and white. By having 3 choices this helped me to eliminate the answers which had the least amount of ticks. From my questionnaire most people associate red, black and white with the rock genre so this shows me that I need to include colours like this to attract my target audience to my magazine.
Question 4 asked how much would you pay for the magazine. This is a very important magazine as if I make the magazine too expensive for my target audience my magazine will lose popularity so therefore my magazine will have to between £2 and £3 as this is the most popular choice by my target audience.
In question 5 I asked how often do you buy a music magazine and a choice of 3 answers to pick from which were; monthly, every 2 months or seasonally. This question was designed to help me see how often I should publish my magazine. Most of the people who took my questionnaire said that they buy a music magazine every month.
Question 6 required a choice of 3 out of 6 possible choices. This question was designed to help me see what my target audience would like for the regular content in my magazine. The most popular choice was tour dates, followed by exclusive interviews and then behind the scenes. By asking this question it allows my magazine to appeal to exactly what my target audience want.
In question 7 I asked about what prizes they would prefer for competitions within in magazine. The choices were gig/concert dates which came as the most popular, electrical goods or signed items. By having the prizes that people would want they will be more willing to buy the magazine and enter the competitions.
Question 8 asked if they would like free posters in the magazine and 18 out of 20 people said yes.

The last question was what words they associate with the rock genre with 13 people saying loud, 1 saying fun, 3 saying lively and another 3 saying other. These words will help me construct my front cover as I can use the vocabulary to attract my audience. 

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