Monday 11 November 2013

Codes and Conventions of a Rock Magazine Front Cover

In this lesson I looked at 4 magazines of my genre and compared them to find out what was similar between them all. From looking at these similarities I was able to then identify the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The codes and conventions are:
 Masthead- this is the title of the magazine and is located at the top left hand corner of the magazine and appears in every issue. This is the name of the magazine so if often in bold writing to make the magazine eye-catching towards the target audience.
 Main Image- this image is the focus of the whole issue and takes up the whole magazine front over. The main is of a famous artist of that genre.
Main Cover line- this links in with the main image on the front cover. It tells you what the main article of the issue will be and is often in bold colours (not as bold as the masthead) to make it stand out against the page.
Cover lines- the cover lines are located along the left and right and side of the front cover. The cover lines tell you the feature articles of the issues.
Tag line- the slogan of the magazine.
Colour scheme- fits in with the genre of the magazine and is carried trough out the magazine.
Buzz Words- superlatives that attract the reader e.g exclusive, biggest, best etc
Contact Information- this is the date, price, issue number, bar code, web address and email address.

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