Friday 29 November 2013

Review of Inital ideas for magazine.

The price of my magazine will be £2.50 as during my research of other magazines the price varied between £2 and £7. I chose this amount as I thought that it would be a reasonable price to charge my customers as I did not want to over or under charge them. From my questionnaire I am still going to keep the price of my magazine the same as from my questionnaire most people were willing to pay £2-£3.
This price is a reasonable price as my magazine will only be published once a month but each issue is an average size issue containing around 60 pages so each issue has a lot of content and information for the target audience to read.  I have chosen to make my magazine like this as most of the magazines that I had researched had average sized, detailed issues but the issues where released monthly so the reader can receive frequent up to date information. After my questionnaire I am going to change this and issue my magazine monthly and just shorten the length of the magazine to around 40 pages. I’m doing this as from my questionnaire most people buy a magazine monthly.
The regular content of my magazine will include gig/concert dates as from my research all of the rock genre magazines I looked at contained some sort of information on artists tour dates. Also in my regular content will be a page on upcoming artists, and a behind the scenes on a music video. I think that these featured articles will keep my audience interested and wanting to read the next issue. I adapted some of these ideas from the magazines I researched as they contained frequent information such as this too help keep the readers interested, it also helps to advertise the new artists to help them move to mainstream. After collecting information from my questionnaire the regular content in my magazine is going to be behind the scenes on a music video, a monthly interview and also all the latest rock gossip and even a free poster.

 Each issue will contain a different featured article; this issue will contain an interview with an artist. From my questionnaire the feature articles in my magazine will be an interview with the artist Jed, new guitars from Gibson, new albums released in 2014. 

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